
Why Donate to Vital?

Here at Vital Wines, we give voice to the often voiceless. We give basic human rights within our industry a neon sign. We listen and care. Whether it is donating to vineyard workers who want to stay at home for a day if a co-worker on the crew has coronavirus, donating to the SOS Clinic, creating community-wide events, or researching the least treated ailments within the wine worker community, we’re making waves of change from the dusty ground up.

Do that with us.

In addition to “doing good while drinking great,” we encourage you to make a tax deductible financial donation with the button below, or send a check made out to “Vital Wines” to: PO Box 15 Walla Walla, WA 99362.

Thanks so much for your support,


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Hello, World!

Make a Tax Deductible Donation to Vital

Amazon Smile

When you head to Amazon to purchase something, head to Amazon Smile instead and choose Vital as your charity of choice HERE. Amazon Smile will donate 0,5% of the price of your order to Vital Wines

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